Purification of municipal wastewater by electrocoagulation process
Published under CEST2023
Proceedings ISBN:
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
In this work, the performance of electrocoagulation (EC) processes was investigated under currently defined operational conditions for the purification of municipal wastewater. The experimental removal efficiencies for COD, BOD, total P, turbidity and TSS were 55%, 60%, 79%, 89% and 86%, respectively for aluminum electrodes. For iron electrodes removal efficiencies of above mentioned water quality parameters (COD, BOD, total P, turbidity and TSS) were 62%, 65%, 83%, 97% and 90%, respectively. In addition to, microbiological parameters showed great promise from the aspect of microbiologically safe reuse of purified wastewater for irrigation
wastewater, electrocoagulation, water reuse