Use of recycled construction and demolition waste as substrate in hybrid constructed wetlands for the treatment of Olive Mill Wastewater.
Paper ID:
Sustainable water resources management with nature-based solutions
Published under CEST2023
Proceedings ISBN:
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of hybrid constructed wetlands (CWs) for treating olive mill wastewater (OMW) using recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste as substrate material. The experiment was conducted at the outdoor research facility of the University of the Aegean in Mytilene, Greece. Three identical pilot hybrid systems were developed, consisting of a vertical subsurface flow CW and a horizontal subsurface flow CW. The first hybrid system (S1) was filled with recycled demolition waste, the second system S2 was filled with rock (ignimbrite) processing residues while the third system (S3) was filled with gravel for comparison. In all three pilot hybrid systems, four plants of Atriplex halimus were placed in each VF-CW, while four plants of Scirpoides holoschoens were placed in each HF-CW. The experiment lasted for 4 months with hydraulic loading rate 30 L/d. The effluent results from the hybrid systems showed that the hybrid system filled with the rock processing residues had higher removal rates for all examined parameters (COD=87%, Turbidity=99%, Total Phosphorus =75%, Total Phenols=95%).
olive mill wastewater; nature-based solutions for water; constructed wetlands; recycling