Modelling metal and energy recovery from Acid Mine Drainage by means of Bioelectrochemical Technology

Paper ID: 
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Published under CEST2023
Proceedings ISBN:
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Delgado Y., Lopez E., Martin M., Llanos J., (Corresponding) Fernandez-Morales F.
This work presents a Monod-based mathematical model able to predict the performance of a bioelectrochemical system (BES) treating Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). The BES was operated as a microbial fuel cell (MFC), in order to recover not only the metals but also all the chemical energy contained. The model was based on two different microbial populations performing electrogenic and non-electrogenic metabolisms respectively. During the MFC operation the metal contained in the AMD were the electron acceptors at the cathode. Because of that, Cu2+ and Fe3+ were reduced to Cu0 and Fe2+. The model formulation was based on a set of differential equations describing the simultaneous evolution of the main chemical components in the system. The model developed accurately predicted the concentration of the acetate and biomass at the anode, the metals at the cathode as well as the electrical current generated.
Acid mine drainage; bioelectrochemical system; mathematical modelling