Review and evaluation of the methods for building the Carbon Farming Calculation Tool
Published under CEST2023
Proceedings ISBN:
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Agriculture accounts for around 30% of total GHG emissions worldwide. Carbon calculators are vital to accurately measure GHG emissions from farms and decrease their impact through carbon harvesting techniques. This paper aims to review various carbon calculator models and group them into typologies to provide helpful information on selecting the most appropriate calculator for different farming systems. Farm scale calculators enable farmers to monitor GHG emissions and reduce them by adopting sustainable agricultural practices. Landscape-scale calculators are useful in larger areas, with different land uses and agricultural practices. The AgRE Calc, Cool Farm Tool, and Solagro carbon calculators were the most adequate to estimate greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural activities. By comprehending GHG emissions in agriculture, accurately calculating them, and adopting sustainable practices, farmers can strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
carbon harvesting, carbon neutrality, farm scale carbon calculator, sustainable agriculture