15-minute Cities: a literature overview exploring international planning strategies
Published under CEST2023
Proceedings ISBN:
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
The 15-minutes city (15mC) concept is a contemporary trend in urban planning which aims to improve the quality of life within the urban areas. The basic underlying idea is that all citizens have equal access to their daily needs within a short walk or bike ride from their houses. The main component that differs the 15mC from other neighborhood-centered approaches is proximity; that is, the proposition of relocating activities and services to the neighborhood level, hence localizing city life. The 15mC is included in international textbooks as a tool for cities to withstand the climate change. This paper provides an overview of the 15mC concept by reviewing the planning strategies of cities worldwide that have adopted this city vision to increase the well-being and the sustainable development. Methodologically, the study focuses on four cities and their strategy on becoming 15mC. The analysis focus on understanding how the 15mC can adjust to different urban environments, depending on their needs. Finally, the paper presents the key attributes of the case-studies and the overall positive impacts resulting from the 15mC concept.
15-min city, x-minute city, proximity, land use planning