Assessment Study on the Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact of Comprehensive On-site Wastewater Management and Reuse in Rural Areas
Paper ID:
Sustainable water management in the mediterranean – technological solutions, demonstration and deployment
Published under CEST2021
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-1-9
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
During the last 4 years Palestinian Wastewater Engineers Group (PWEG) has succeeded in implementing a comprehensive low cost and low tech. decentralized wastewater management and reuse scheme in Marj Al Ghazal village in the arid Jordan Valley (JV) improving the access to non-conventional water resources. This was achieved by the construction of 11 household grey wastewater treatment plants and 11 modified septic tanks serving 47 households hosting 228 persons. Water consumption in the JV is above average national consumption amounting to 190 L/C/day, a total of 34,200 L/day of treated grey wastewater (GWW) is reused in irrigation of medjul date orchard 13500m2 (135 medium age tree), 2 greenhouses of 300m2 each. The saved water cost (0.25 Euro/m3) is 3,121 Euro per year. The total cost of septic tanks suction amounting to 16,000 Euro/ year is saved. 10,800 Kg of medjul date with a total average cost of 27,340 Euro is yearly harvested thanks to the continuous availability of the treated GWW. A total cost of 3,000 Euro/ year is spent over the operation and maintenance of the treatment plants. In addition, a total cost of 5,468 Euro/ year is spent over the medjul trees growing and harvesting. A net yearly profit of 37,993 Euro is made available due to the reuse of the treated GWW in the whole village. An average yearly profit per household of 808 Euro is achieved. The beneficiaries’ satisfaction was tested.
Rural, Onsite, Grey-wastewater, Environment, Socio-Economic