Mitigation potentials of tree-crops: An economic evaluation of trading-off carbon sequestration with actual market goods.

Paper ID: 
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Published under CEST2021
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-1-9
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Bithas K., (Corresponding) LATINOPOULOS D.
As climate objectives are far from being reached under the prevailing policies, more concrete actions should be undertaken, and all possibilities should be exploited. Land-based mitigation potentials are emerging as a cost-effective mitigation prospect. CO2 sequestration is an essential ecosystem service offered by tree cultivations once properly managed. Tree-based mitigation potentials should be identified, evaluated and enriched. The present study aims at developing a framework for assigning an economic value to the climate change mitigation potentials arising from tree cultivation. Such values could enrich the design of coupled agriculture climate policies by offering farmers appropriate incentives to adopt climate objectives.
Carbon farming; Climate change mitigation; Common Agricultural Policy, Ecosystem Valuation; Voluntary markets.