Smart Technologies for the Control of Emerging Contaminants in Ambient Air

Paper ID: 
Emerging pollutants
Published under CEST2021
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-1-9
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
(Corresponding) Galang M., Zarra T., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V.
Air quality protection and control is an issue of growing interest. The aspects related to the spread of the coronavirus have accentuated this attention. Furthermore, among the emerging contaminants (EC’s) in ambient air, the microplastics (1 – 5 μm) are a great concern arising from anthropogenic activities. These pollutants may bring detrimental effects on human health. To control the EC’s, the first activity is the characterization. To date, limited studies highlight and describe technologies able to identify and measure the presence in the air of these types of emerging pollutants (EP’s). Furthermore, the presented studies show a methodology gap in their experiments. The research presents and discusses the state-of-the-art adopted technologies to characterize MPs in ambient air and pointing out strengths and weaknesses. Knowledge gap, uncertainties and recommendations are highlighted. The paper provides useful information in enhanced monitoring to support policymakers in emerging microplastics pollutants and related issues, as well as potential smart technology to be implemented.
microplastics, air quality management, emerging pollutants, smart instrumentation