To what extent are Bioplastics truly harmless?

Paper ID: 
Microplastics in water treatment: fate, toxicity assessment and removal technologies
Published under CEST2021
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-1-9
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
(Corresponding) Mastrolia C., Giaquinto D., Hasan S., Zarra T., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V.
Biodegradability is a growing interest in the field of research in Bioplastics. To what extent are we fully aware of the benign impact Bioplastic has on the environment, especially in water? Wastewater treatment plants are the primary source of microplastic release in the hydrographical environment. Almost 56% of annual plastic is discarded (19% recycled, 25% incinerated), the majority of which is discharged in the ocean. To reduce the negative impact of plastic waste on the environment, Bioplastics are chosen as an eco-friendly solution. Although Bioplastics are produced from renewable sources, it is a misbelief to consider all bioplastic harmless for the environment. As a matter of fact, most bioplastics are biodegradable but not compostable, a necessary criterion of sustainability. The behavior of micro-bioplastics in the aquatic environment is a complex ongoing area of research. The aim of this work is to give insight on the overlooked damaging nature of bioplastics in both production and disposal processes. Furthermore, a focus is placed on the recovery of bioplastics from wastewater by applying circular economy criteria and technology, including WWTPs processes.
bioplastics sustainability, WWTPs, microplastics, biodegradability, wastewater