Material flow analysis applied to a waste treatment plant in Lombardy (Italy)
Published under CEST2021
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-1-9
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Material flow analysis (MFA) allows to quantify inputs, outputs and stocks of a system and to communicate results visually. It can be used for calculating process effectiveness, losses and for identifying critical points within a system, being useful for strategically intervening in a corporative environment. When linked with environmental indicators, actions to promote sustainable development and circular economy can be defined. In this study, a waste treatment plant located in Lombardy (Italy) was selected for a case study. An inventory analysis for three consecutive years was conducted and the MFA of the whole plant was developed. In addition, 11 environmental indicators were calculated. During the period in study, the company processed 720x103 ± 4x103 t of materials, including metals, inorganic materials and others (e.g., plastic, cardboard, glass). The highest recovery rates were achieved for metals (98.40 ± 6.26%). The overall percentage of materials recovered in the plant equals 78.50 ± 1.81 %. The company showed high eco-efficiency (0.78 ± 0.01), low energy intensity (0.20 ± 0.01 GJ/t/y) and relatively low water input (4.65x104 ± 8.14x103 t/y). Indirect emissions due to energy consumption accounted for 5.79x103 ± 2.35x102 t-CO2eq, which can be reduced by adopting cleaner transportation services.
Circular economy, Eco-efficiency, Solid waste management, Recycling, Environmental indicators