Citizens' awareness and education for tackling microplastic contamination in freshwater ecosystems
Paper ID:
Case studies of macro- and microplastics pollution in coastal waters and rivers
Published under CEST2021
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-1-9
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Microplastics (MPs) are ubiquitous and persistent contaminants, particularly in river sediments reaching high abundances with potential to impair ecosystem functions and services of great importance to humankind. Thus, monitoring programmes and public awareness are pivotal to implement mitigation and remediation strategies. This study evaluated the abundance of MPs in freshwater sediments and in benthic macroinvertebrates collected at four sites with different anthropogenic pressures of Costa/Couros river (Guimarães - Portugal), in order to alert, raise awareness and educate local citizens for (micro)plastic pollution. Results showed higher levels of MPs in the sediments of sites with more anthopogenic preassure. High number of MPs was also observed inside macroinvertebrates’ gut from all sites, particularly in low weight organisms indicating malnutrition and digestive disorders. Such results were incorporated into public awareness campaigns to increase the citizens' knowledge and understanding about MPs prevalence and threats to the environment, human health and the economy, as well as spread individual measures and actions that can reduce MP contamination in aquatic ecosystems. This educational study also promoted the artistic creation in public spaces to raise awareness about plastic pollution.
Microplastic; Sediments; Aquatic organisms; Citizens’ awareness; Environmental education