Thermo-physical properties of agricultural residues for syn gas production using thermo-gravimetric analysis
Paper ID:
Energy technologies and sustainability
Published under CEST2019
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-0-2
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
The thermal degradation behaviour and the activation energy can be integrated utilized to understand the behaviour and constituent of biomass degradation rate prior to gasification. Thermophysical properties of agricultural residues in order to facilitate its further processing and utilization for syngas production in the gasifier. Suitability of biomass for gasification and power generation was prejudged by its thermo-physical properties. The present study was conducted to investigate the thermophysical behaviour of agricultural residues for gasification were investigated by TGA (thermogravimetric analysis) method. the thermal behaviour and pyrolysis of two types of biomass corn cob and popular by using TGA from ambient to 1000°C. The three different heating rate (10, 15, and 20°C/min) was taken for the thermogravimetric analysis. the carrier gas nitrogen was used in this investigation and flow rate was 40 ml/min. The decomposition kinetic parameters were determined by FWO, DAEM, and Kissinger methods at heating rates of 10, 15, and 20°C/min. Agriculture residue had three mass loss step assigned to first one removal of moisture, the second was the main component (cellulose and hemicellulose degradation ) decomposition and last dissociation of other organic matters. The cellulose and hemicellulose in biomass were playing an important role in combustion and pyrolysis. The reactivity of lignocellulose present in the biomass was low in combustion. Cellulose content biomass decomposed at a lower temperature due to oxygen diffused in the pores of biomass. Thermal stability of the fibres were all up to 200 °C, the peak temperature range of the decomposition process was 300 to 350°C, and thermal degradation ended about 1000° C.The results showed that the apparent activation energy of each agriculture residue changed along with the conversion rate, the average Ea (activation energy) for most of the selected fibres was close to each other, from 190 to 210.0 kJ/mol, except corncob. Corncob had the lowest residue content and Ea. The three method was adopted for evaluating the apparent activation energies of agriculture residue i.e. The Kissinger, FWO, and DAEM methods. The results showed that corncob was sensitive to heat and Corncob has the lowest lignin content and Ea, therefore, it is best suited for feedstock in pallet form for gasifier engine system for producer gas generation in a remote area like village and hill station.
Activation energy;Corn cob;Gasification;Thermogravimetric analysis