Urban Strategies for Waste Management in Coastal Areas
Paper ID:
Environmental management and policies
Published under CEST2019
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-0-2
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
In comparison with other areas, tourist areas have to face additional challenges related to waste prevention and management due to their geographical and climatic conditions, the seasonality of tourism flow and the specificity of tourism industry and of tourists as waste producers.
One major objective of this research is to support policy makers in answering these challenges and in developing strategies that aim at reducing the amount of municipal waste production and at further support the re use, recycle, collection and disposal of waste in tourist areas.
Within this research, the concept of urban metabolism will be used to understand and analyse how tourist areas that are influenced by tourism use their resources and how touristic activities are linked to waste management and resource conservation. Furthermore, a waste compositional technique has been performed in order to relate the waste production in coastal areas as well as the level of the pollution link to the sea and moreover to evaluate the existing infrastructure and waste management plan.
area metabolism, key performance indicator, bleu economy, waste strategies.