The role of hydro-technical works in diminishing flooded areas. Case study: the June 1985 flood on the Miletin River
Published under CEST2019
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-0-2
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Hydro-technical constructions are very important in diminishing flooded areas and associated damage in the event of a flood. The case study for the Miletin River in the Moldavian Plateau (Eastern Romania) focusses on the historical floods of June 1985. The floods recorded at the Miletin River hydrometric stations are: 106 m3/s for Nicolae Balcescu station and 204 m3/s for Şipote station. Our analysis involves a series of simulations of a flood flow constant using the hydrological data associated with the 1985 flood. The mathematical modelling base is the high-grade terrain model (LiDAR raster type). Two flood scenarios have been carried out: the first one was based on the running of a constant flow considering the present hydro-technical constructions and works; the second scenario implied running the same flow, but without hydro-technical constructions. Bands of flooding associated to the two scenarios were generated. Flooded areas and damages were determined considering the modification of the bed by these works. Comparative analysis of flooded areas scenarios reveals, in the case of the same amount of precipitation, a downward trend in flood flows due to the presence of the hydro-technical constructions.
hydro-technical constructions, flood, HEC-RAS, GIS, Miletin River