Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 in Spatial environmental planning (remove filter), services (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Sustainable landscapes: restoration and land use planning in an adaptive approach to climate change and desertification. Case study of Inter-Andean Valley of Cauca River in Colombia

(Corresponding) Alvarado-Solano D., Otero J., Šarapatka B.
Spatial environmental planning
The inter-Andean valley of Cauca River (IVCR) is one of the most industrialized regions in Colombia leading its seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF) to a fragmented and degraded state. Changes in land cover may alter the climatic and hydrological patterns. In the period 1984 – 2014, 26% of natural...Read more
Ecosystem Services, Anthropogenic landscape, Sustainable production.
Paper ID: 

Integrating Ecosystem Services (E.S.) in spatial planning: a literature review

Pozoukidou G., Papageorgiou M., (Corresponding) Kesisoglou D.
Spatial environmental planning
Integration of ES in spatial planning constitutes a critical issue in the context of establishing resilient and sustainable policies. In this paper, a literature review was performed, to evaluate the integration of ES in spatial planning practices through institutional and governmental planning...Read more
Ecosystem Services, Spatial Planning, Review
Paper ID: 

Lisbon – European Green Capital 2020: the allotment gardens contribution

Batista D., Matos R., Simões P.
Spatial environmental planning
The main objective of this paper is to define the role and the importance of the urban allotment gardens in the consideration of Lisbon as the European Green Capital in 2020. In the first part of the paper, we seek to trace the historical evolution of vegetable gardens in the context of city...Read more
Lisbon, vegetable gardens, multifunctionality, ecosystem services, food security
Paper ID: 