Conference proceedings

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CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Statistical prediction models for the odour emissions quantification in terms of odour concentration: Analysis and comparison

(Corresponding) Galang M., Ballesteros Jr. F., Zarra T., Naddeo V., Belgiorno V.
Environmental odour, monitoring and control
Measuring odour concentration is a significant step to achieve efficient environmental odour management in continuous, objective and repeatable manner. To deal with this, researchers developed instrumental odour monitoring systems (IOMS) by applying odour monitoring models (OMM) for prediction. At...Read more
artificial neural network, dynamic olfactometry, environmental odour, instrumental odour monitoring system, municipal solid waste
Paper ID: 

Spatial explicit evaluation of potential future developments of forests due to climatic change and nitrogen deposition

Dr. Jenssen M., Dr. Nickel S., (Corresponding) Dr. Schröder W.
Enviornmental data analysis and modelling
Climate change and atmospheric nitrogen deposition can impact the integrity of ecosystems. Therefore, the EU Biodiversity Strategy foresees that Member States map and assess the state of ecosystems and their services in their national territory. By example of Germany, this article presents a...Read more
Keywords. Ecosystem classification, integrity, dynamic and fuzzy modelling; Geographic Information System.
Paper ID: 