Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 in sustainable (remove filter), optimization (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Optimal Productive Structure for Sustainable Development: Environmental Extended Input-Ouput Analysis

(Corresponding) Markaki M., Papadakis S.
Environmental management and policies
The research aims to apply an integrated methodology for optimizing the productive structure of an economy with a view to sustainable development for the Greek economy. The main purpose of the research project is to constitute at the theoretical and applied level a model of synthesis of all...Read more
Sustainable Development, Input-Output Analysis, Optimization, Economic Structure, Greece
Paper ID: 

Mathematics for Optimal Design of Sustainable Infrastructures

(Corresponding) Vázquez-Méndez M., Alvarez-Vázquez L., García-Chan N., Martínez A., Rodríguez C.
Sustainability & the SDGs
The main objective of this work is to show how mathematics, particularly the combination of modelling, numerical simulation and optimization, is a useful tool in the design of sustainable infrastructures. To do it, we clarify what we understand by systems optimization and present three interesting...Read more
Sustainable Development Goals, Systems Optimization, Modelling, Numerical Simulation, Optimal Control
Paper ID: 