Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 in economy (remove filter), cycle (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Technological solutions for giving a new life to power plants of alternative energy: social, economic, and environmental assessment of end of life scenarios

(Corresponding) Ambrosino C., Giaquinto D., Maselli G., Nesticò A., Zarra T., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V.
Energy technologies and sustainability
The resources on the planet are not unlimited and special attention has been paid to alternative energies in recent years. Alternative (or renewable) energy are all those energy sources that do not come from fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). To date, wind and solar energy are the main...Read more
renewable energy, natural resource conservation, solar energy, wind energy, life cycle economy
Paper ID: 

Life Cycle Assessment on fashion industry: four case studies

(Corresponding) Liscio M., Sospiro P.
Life cycle analysis (lca)
Life Cycle Assessment on fashion industry: four case studies - Abstract The fashion industry is one of the most polluting in the world. It is estimated that the sector is responsible for about 9% of global emissions and contributes 20% of water pollution, as well as producing about 92 thousand...Read more
Fashion industry, sustainable business model, Life Cycle Assessment, Circular Economy
Paper ID: 